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Thread: Pedersoli smith issue

  1. #1
    jonk is offline
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    Pedersoli smith issue

    I've been shooting 2f out of it with no issue, 380 gr Lee bullet. Today I thought I'd try some 3f. And for some reason, I chose to try Swiss.

    Starting at 25 gr, no issues. But when I got to 30 gr, something worrying happened. The action blew open. Not violently; just when I had finished my shot, I noticed that the breech was now already unlocked. Figuring I just hadn't shut the action tight, I tried it again, making sure this time- same deal. So I stopped shooting the 30 gr rounds.

    Granted, Swiss is pretty energetic powder, but a 30 gr load isn't a real stiff one either.

    Logically it would seem to me that under fire, the pressure in the chamber is all directed rearwards, which will only compress and tighten the lock, and that what's probably happening is the recoil is causing the unlocking lever to ride up, but I'd like your opinions before I say that's it.

    Gun locks up tight with very very little wobble otherwise.

  2. #2
    Southron Sr. is offline
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    Pietta, not Pedersoli makes the replica Smith Carbines.

    The first thing I would check is to see IF your Breech Spring Screw has loosened up. A loose screw would definitely "weaken" the action. The cure, IF this is the case?

    Apply some High Temperature Loc Tite to the threads of the Breech Spring Screw and then install the screw and make sure that it is TIGHT.

  3. #3
    Curt's Avatar
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    How many rounds have gone through it?

    On my two Yeck Smiths, and on three or four originals among friends, we found that the latch stud or block can wear ever so slightly so that the latch would "pop" up- especially on the originals and especially among the lads shooting "heavier' loads (I shot 36 FFF, and my wife 30 FFF.)
    I guestimate, about 15,000 rounds through my Yeck Smith, but I do not remember when the latch popping started. My wife, only about 500 rounds, and hers exhibited no latch problems. Mine also needed brass shim stock shims for the hinge screw as the hinge worked loose and had "wobble."

    The "steel on steel" wear and friction of the latch or yoke can ever so slightly start to round off or angle the back edge of the latch locking stud/block/catch, not giving it as good a purchase or "grip" as when new.

    IMHO, the latch stud issue, and the hinge issue, were just two "design flaws" inherent in the Smith over time.

    Last edited by Curt; 08-03-2014 at 09:34 PM.
    Curt Schmidt
    Formerly 17 years a Sherman's Bodyguard
    Married to a descendant of Senator John Sherman's wife

  4. #4
    jonk is offline
    Genl Wm T Sherman's Bodyguard
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    Yes of course, Pietta.

    Yeah, the spring screw had loosened. I hadn't thought that would be the case as I had already applied loc-tite to it; will put a lot more on this time.

    Could be the warmer load plus the loose screw was at fault.

    No idea how many rounds are through it, it came to me previously enjoyed.

    I had been having some ignition issues despite a thorough cleaning of the flash channel (and inspection by Eric Schuessler), and corresponding loose groups. So against his advice (and at the advice of another team member) I drilled out the nipple in steps until the ignition woes stopped (#54 drill bit, fwiw) and then not only did the ignition issues go away, but it started grouping much better. At least I found what load she likes- I ran a bird board today and 26.5 gr of 2f with the Lee bullet had them breaking about 80% of the time. And no issues with the ignition or spring.

    Mainly I shoot a sharps, but if I can repeat this experiment I will happily run the smith for a skirmish and see how she goes.
    Last edited by jonk; 08-03-2014 at 10:35 PM.

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