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Thread: using lubrasizer for hollow based musket bullets

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Deep South - Georgia, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi and Texas

    using lubrasizer for hollow based musket bullets

    Gentlemen: Do any of you utilize a lubrasizer to size and lube your hollow based musket bullets? I am experimenting with one and find it works fine for solid base bullets, but hear they do not work so well for hollow base. Comments appreciated in advance, to include any tips or recommendations on lube to use.
    Tom Montgomery, 14th MS

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Western - Illinois and Wisconsin

    Re: using lubrasizer for hollow based musket bullets

    I’ve lubrasized my hollow-based minies for years. I do not put lube in the base of the bullet, just on the sides. I adjust my lubrasizer so the top of the bullet nose is flush with the top of the die, then look to see which holes in the sizer dies I’m actually using. Then I use JB Weld to glue the ones shut that I’m not using, and that prevents unwanted lube getting into my bases.

    I like my minies .001 under my bore size. I know some folks size their bullets down quite a bit, but I don’t like doing that. If I have to use a lot of pressure to pull your sizing die arm down, and are mashing the sides of your bullets, I get a smaller bullet mold.
    Gary Van Kauwenbergh
    Co G, 114th ILL Vol Inf
    # 10143

    "Alle Kunst ist umsonst Wenn ein Engel in das Zündloch prunst."
    (In vain the skill and arts of man, When an angel pisses the priming pan.)
    Field Marshal Gebhard L. von Blücher

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Re: using lubrasizer for hollow based musket bullets

    I'm using a Lyman Lubrisizer too, for both solid base carbine bullets and hollow-base minies. If appreciable lube gets into a hollow base, I dig it out with a shaped stick. It's hard to keep any lube from getting on a bullet's base. I haven't been as fussy as Gary about pressure and size and do not fill holes in the sizer.
    14th Miss Inf Rgt, CSA/N-SSA, NRA Life Mbr, no longer shooting

  4. #4
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    Re: using lubrasizer for hollow based musket bullets

    Gary and Ken: thanks for your responses, appreciate you taking the time to share that information. I have not seen this topic addressed and was hoping to get lots of information.
    Tom Montgomery, 14th MS

  5. #5
    Big Grit is offline
    Battery H, First Regt. Ill. Vol. Light Artillery
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    Re: using lubrasizer for hollow based musket bullets

    I use a Saeco Lubrisizer with custom made dies with SPG lube, no problems. Big Grit

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