Hello Harry, your question and my reply somehow got lunched into outer space as it did not land into the thread...even your question is gone...so, here it goes again by memory.
It is quite simple, the Duco cement is a nitrocellulose glue, which does not affect the powder or power of the cap furthermore, when thinned it acts as an adhesive to hold in place the additives such as: paper dot charges, black powder, aluminum powder, explosive mixtures etc. Also, thinning the cement will waterproof the interior elements as well, burn clean and not leave a gummy residue behind.
The acetone (solution of 15% to cement is the consensus) wets the additives to help eliminate a sudden flash. It aids in compacting the ingredients into the cup by a punch, nail, matchstick etc. When it dries, it has left a thin coat of adhesion behind, making the caps more rugged and reliable as the content will stay in place.
Individuals have used hair spray and Arabic gum to seal cup content however, these are soluble applications and don't have holding power.
As for acetone, some experimented with rubbing alcohol unfortunately, when the alcohol dries the additives can fall out...hence a workable glue solution. Some have inserted shellac, and lacquer drops into acetone to protect the stuffings as well.
You can mix the cement and acetone in an eye-drop bottle or a pill bottle. When I mean acetone, it is supposed to be pure and clean as in nail polish remover...I have not used regular acetone, I would assume it would be alright. Currently, I have been using a WD40 straw to apply drops into cups...works well enough.
I hope I answered your questions (by memory) correctly...let me know.
Take care Harry.
I am not relying on imported caps...
Keith A. Williams
15th. Reg VA Vol Cav
"You tell 'em I'm coming! And Hell's coming with me you hear! Hell's coming with me!" - Kurt Russell - Tombstone