I need a sear spring for an 1842 Aston. I also would like to know what else might fit. S & S and Lodgewood have nothing. I am waiting on Knicely to call me back. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Tom Wines
I need a sear spring for an 1842 Aston. I also would like to know what else might fit. S & S and Lodgewood have nothing. I am waiting on Knicely to call me back. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Tom Wines
Is this the spring you need?
1842 aston pistol - Search
Have you tried Dixie Gun Works? Have you tried an Enfield sear spring?
Gil Davis Tercenio
# 3020V
34th Battalion, Virginia Cavalry
Great, great grandson of Cpl Elijah S Davis, Co I, 6th Alabama Inf CSA
Did you ever find a sear spring?
Gil Davis Tercenio
# 3020V
34th Battalion, Virginia Cavalry
Great, great grandson of Cpl Elijah S Davis, Co I, 6th Alabama Inf CSA
I bought two from Dixie. I called them 1st to see if the springs in there catalog would fit an Aston. It ain't like it used to be. I got an "I dunno" answer. Bought them any way and they will fit a Johnson and a North but not an Aston. I got two generic springs from Steve Doyle. Going to see if they fit today.
I consistently get "I dunno, darlin. Call back on Wednesday when the gunsmith is here". Then the gunsmith wasn't there. Then I called back again the following week, talked to the gunsmith who wasn't overly helpful. Simple question, "Can you tell me if the thread pitch on this tumbler is for the original thread, or if I'll need a new hammer screw". Not a clue. Bought it anyway, need a new screw. Which they don't sell!
John Westenberger
Co. B. 1st PA Cav.