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Thread: Lead Thermometers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2023
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    Lead Thermometers

    Happy Holidays!

    I have begun searching for a better lead temperature gauge.

    First, I use a Coleman, flames do rise around the edge of the pot.

    I currently have a 6" Lyman stainless steel dial thermometer insert gauge...which, I really do not like.

    I am reviewing manual digital probe inserts and thermometer guns, but I am uncertain if the guns work properly since they shoot the cooler surface of the lead or the escaping heat. However, they should be great at reading mould temperatures.

    So, I am checking the waters to see if there is a better/easier or more accurate alternative individuals are currently using...even an old school application proven to work is welcomed.

    Any brand which is better than others or cost efficient and reliable suggestions are appreciated.

    I seek feedback and opinions, thanks to all.

    Keith A. Williams
    15th. Reg VA Vol Cav

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    Last edited by Keith Williams; 12-24-2024 at 05:37 PM.

  2. #2
    bobanderson is offline
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    Merry Christmas, Keith.

    I've cast on a Coleman stove for years but to get hotter flames and cheaper fuel, I switched to a propane conversion hose for the camp stove.
    Now I get my pot up to my 700 degree target quicker and hold it easier.

    I have electric pots plus the camp stove and I've found the only reliable, and repeatable way to measure the temp is with a Lyman casting thermometer. Laser thermometers are too expensive
    except for the Harbor Freight one, which is junk.
    Bob Anderson
    Company C, 1st Michigan Volunteer Infantry
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  3. #3
    PoorJack is offline
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    The Lyman unit is a good product and reasonably priced at about $35 from MidwayUSA. I would not use any non contact unit since the shiny surface of molten lead will give false readings.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Lead Thermometers

    Season Greetings Bob and PoorJack

    Roger that Bob, I have been using a Lyman dial casting thermometer and I noticed it was non-adjustable. I believe now it is toasted, as it rattles and rest at 300 degrees...time for the trash. I have the same Coleman set complaints there!

    PoorJack, I came across that digital probe as well, which seems promising however, I hope others will chime in on that style giving some pros or cons.

    Granted, I believe a laser thermometer would be useful to shoot the mould if a reliable one can be found.

    As I said, just checking the waters to see what other reliable applications are being used.

    Take care,

    Keith A. Williams
    15th. Reg VA Vol Cav

    "They outnumber us four to one. Do we stay or do we fight?" - Captain Kirby York ? "You seem easily impressed by numbers, Captain." - Lt. Colonel Owen Thursday - Fort Apache Movie (Wayne, Fonda)
    Last edited by Keith Williams; 12-25-2024 at 04:27 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I have been using the Lyman digital lead thermometer for almost a year. I think it does a good job so far, reads very similar to my old dial thermometer. The digital version gets a temp reading pretty rapidly. I generally use to check the temp periodically while casting instead of leaving it in as with the old style.

    The only negative to me is battery, I have replaced batteries once already in a short period of use. A usb rechargeable unit would be nice.

    Your comment about the flames around the pot would be my only concern using this version, would have to pay attention to the probe wire.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Lead Thermometers

    Thanks for your pro and con response Sven205, it is good to know about the battery issue...probably pulling them out after using would work.

    RCBS had S.S. dial thermometers with 5-star ratings...which everyone gave positive reviews upon however, average cost is $65. Rotometals produces the meters for RCBS, currently their price is $29.99 with $9.79, I went back to the dial application.

    If someone is looking for a Rotometals dial, there are two different prices listed as of now - 12/25/24. I do not remember how I stumbled upon the cheaper price from Rotometals listed on their website.

    Take care,

    Keith A. Williams
    15th. Reg VA Vol Cav

    "Always make your opponent think you know more than you really know." - General Philip Sheridan
    Last edited by Keith Williams; 12-26-2024 at 07:48 PM.

  7. #7
    Kevin Tinny is offline
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    The three Rotometals dial thermom's I bought a few years back still indicate within a couple degrees at 750F. The only issue with electric pots is the shaft should be immersed at least 1.75" to prevent lower than actual liquid readings.

    My two digital thermocouple units have failed during the same timeframe. Smiles.
    Kevin Tinny

  8. #8
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    Lead Thermometers

    Thanks Kevin for the feedback, well the dial (a good dial) has proven itself throughout the years. So, I am just waiting for the delivery.

    Take care.

    Keith A. Williams
    15th. Reg VA Vol Cav

    "What treaty have the Sioux made with the white man that we have broken? Not one. What treaty have the white man ever made with us that they have kept? Not one." - Great Native American Legend - Sitting Bull
    Last edited by Keith Williams; 12-26-2024 at 07:57 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Use a standard dial themometer. I can't remember if it is Lyman or RCBS.

    If you don't want it affected by heat coming off the sides of the pot, make a clip that attaches to the side of the pot to keep the thermometer within the boundaries of the pot.

    Infrared themometers do not work well on the shiny melt surface.
    Steve Sheldon
    Commander, 4th Louisiana Delta Rifles
    Deputy Commander, Deep South Region
    NRA Certified Muzzleloading Instructor

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I use a propane turkey fryer and a large cast iron dutch oven, I've added heat shielding around the legs to funnel the heat up to the pot and not on to my leg hairs!

    For thermometer I use the RCBS unit, it's very robust and easy to use, just clip it on the side and go. I tried to check with the laser temp gun, but that isn't accurate at all. Even the real lead thermometer doesn't read right unless it is submerged several inches, the top skin is much cooler than the juicy center. I have also hear the rotometals thermometer is the same as the RCBS unit, so I will be buying another for my second pot. I store everything for casting outdoors, so digital wasn't an option, and that turkey fryer gets HOT, way hotter than necessary. I needed a very robust thermometer. I like the RCBS/Rotometals, seems plenty accurate, but truth be told once I see that 820-850 degrees Moose says to use for his molds, I stop looking at it unless the bullets come out looking weird.
    John Westenberger
    Co. B. 1st PA Cav.

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