All of these loads, oddly enough, were ones I got recommended to me by Mike Santarelli, patron saint of the Smith Carbine. I should just learn to call him and ask instead of trying loads willy nilly!
Lee 2.8CC dipper of Goex 3f with a Moose hodgdon minie .001 under bore. It works in every rifle I or anyone I know has tried it with.
60 gr (May be a 4.0 dipper?) of Swiss or Old E 1.5 with a .680 ball in ANY .69 cal smoothbore, repro or original. It'll make 1 ragged hole. Everything from Whitacre .687 bore repro barrel to original H&P .694 bore. Dry or lubed. I like rasped with either liquid alox or better yet scooped in musket lube.
28gr of Swss 2f or Goex 3f with a Moose Smith/Maynard bullet .518. Again, it works in 90+ percent of smiths.
John Westenberger
Co. B. 1st PA Cav.