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Thread: All around Favorite Bullet/Powder Charge

  1. #1
    B-Davis is offline
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    All around Favorite Bullet/Powder Charge

    So, I am sure this has probably. Even discussed before, but what is a powder charge/bullet combo that works out of several rifles/carbines for you? I have two:
    The first is the old Challenger/Shiloh .579 trashcan with 40 grains of 2F GOEX. Worked well in everything I put it into. (Bullet sometimes needs to be sized, can go down to .576)
    The second is (astonishingly) the Lee .578-478M with 42 grains of 3F Swiss. It works in all five rifles I have tried it in.

    Anybody have any combos that seem ?magical??

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Well, each gun likes its own load.

    But if I had to list my favorite bullet it's the Moose 577-420 Wilkinson. Seems to work well in all my slow-twist rifled muskets with 50 grains of 3F Goex. Absolute dream to cast since it's not a hollow-base bullet. Double cavity so you can really crank them out.
    Last edited by Maillemaker; 12-05-2024 at 06:17 PM.
    Steve Sheldon
    Commander, 4th Louisiana Delta Rifles
    Deputy Commander, Deep South Region
    NRA Certified Muzzleloading Instructor

  3. #3
    Tim Iannuzzi is offline
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    My favorite so far is a Rapine 575-315 wadcutter with either 40gr 3F or 42gr 2F Goex. Works great in both my 2-band Harpers Ferry (1:60 twist Hoyt barrel) and Mississippi (1:72 twist Whitaker barrel).

  4. #4
    ead is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maillemaker View Post
    Well, each gun likes its own load.

    But if I had to list my favorite bullet it's the Moose 577-420 Wilkinson. Seems to work well in all my slow-twist rifled muskets with 50 grains of 3F Goex. Absolute dream to cast since it's not a hollow-base bullet. Double cavity so you can really crank them out.
    How's the fouling build up since you only have the one tiny lube groove and aren't supposed to fill the large groove.

  5. #5
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    All of these loads, oddly enough, were ones I got recommended to me by Mike Santarelli, patron saint of the Smith Carbine. I should just learn to call him and ask instead of trying loads willy nilly!

    Lee 2.8CC dipper of Goex 3f with a Moose hodgdon minie .001 under bore. It works in every rifle I or anyone I know has tried it with.

    60 gr (May be a 4.0 dipper?) of Swiss or Old E 1.5 with a .680 ball in ANY .69 cal smoothbore, repro or original. It'll make 1 ragged hole. Everything from Whitacre .687 bore repro barrel to original H&P .694 bore. Dry or lubed. I like rasped with either liquid alox or better yet scooped in musket lube.

    28gr of Swss 2f or Goex 3f with a Moose Smith/Maynard bullet .518. Again, it works in 90+ percent of smiths.
    John Westenberger
    Co. B. 1st PA Cav.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ead View Post
    How's the fouling build up since you only have the one tiny lube groove and aren't supposed to fill the large groove.
    Works fine - with Goex.

    When I first got the mold, I was on a batch of Scheutzen powder because Goex was not available when I needed powder.

    I almost gave up on the bullet, because after 4 or so shots the loading got very crunchy in the bore.

    I switched back to Goex and I can shoot the bullet indefinitely.

    I will never use Schuetzen powder again if I can help it. Noticeably dirtier than Goex.
    Steve Sheldon
    Commander, 4th Louisiana Delta Rifles
    Deputy Commander, Deep South Region
    NRA Certified Muzzleloading Instructor

  7. #7
    jonk is offline
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    45 gr of 3f works in my enfield fayetteville trapdoor Beaumont vetterli sharps... it seems to be a sweet spot. Works fine in one sb too but my other 2 want 50 gr.

    This with most any bullet.

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