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Thread: 1816 Conversion Question

  1. #1
    Matt Krug is offline
    2nd US Regular Infantry
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    1816 Conversion Question

    I recently purchased an original 1816 conversion musket Pomperoy dated 1833 at Nationals. Planning to to have Bob Hoyt reline the barrel and purchased a new nipple from Lodgewood. I have read that the belgian cone version has problems. Anyone else have this problem? Ill ask Bob of course for his suggestions.
    Last edited by Matt Krug; 11-13-2024 at 12:20 PM.

  2. #2
    Jim_Burgess_2078V is offline
    15th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry
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    Cone in Barrel Conversions

    Cone in barrel conversion muskets seem to have survived the war quite well. Many were retired and replaced by newer .58 caliber rifle-muskets after the first year of hostilities so saw limited use. There is considerable direct pressure applied to the cone on these muskets and barrel threads need to be in good condition. Given the reduced smoothbore loads that we shoot, these muskets, if in good condition, should be quite safe. That said, I have two Harpers Ferry percussion conversion rifled muskets with no provision for rear sights. Both are in excellent condition probably because they didn't get much if any use. The pressure generated by a heavy .69 caliber Minie bullet was too much for the rifled cone in barrel conversions, some failed and they were evidently quickly withdrawn from service.

    Jim Burgess, 15th CVI

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I had an 1835/40 cone in barrel I shot for a while before it began leaking gas around the nipple. If you want extensive details send me an email address. I will pm you mine.
    Bob Propst
    York Rangers
    Tidewater Region

  4. #4
    Carolina Reb is offline
    2nd South Carolina, Co I, Palmetto Guard
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    I shot an M-1816 Pomeroy cone in barrel for several years with no issues. If Bobby says the barrel is OK you shouldn't have any problem. If yours still has the original killer strong flint mainspring you might consider swapping it with a lighter Dixie repro spring. Those flint springs are very hard on the cones.
    Last edited by Carolina Reb; 11-13-2024 at 11:44 PM.

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