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Thread: Load for Burton original copy minnie

  1. #1
    Steve Weems is offline
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    Load for Burton original copy minnie

    Going to test fire Gimcrak & Bunkum copy of the original U.S. Burton style 500gr Minnie in my musket. Would like feedback from someone who is shooting these in competition as to powder charge. I?m use to using mid 40?s of 3F. His website mentions 55 plus but he is trying to closely original ballistics.

  2. #2
    Carolina Reb is offline
    2nd South Carolina, Co I, Palmetto Guard
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    If you are planning to develop an accurate load using an original style bullet, try several different powders and granulations (Schutzen, GOEX ans Swiss, 2F and 3F). Shoot at least 5 shot strings varying charges by 1 grain steps. Don't believe that someone else's recipe will work in your musket, although it could be close.

    If you are trying to find out how your musket would perform with original ammo, you need to develop your load with a chronograph to duplicate the original velocity using a charge roughly equivalent to the 1860s issue ammo. The problem is that the powder we have is not the same as 1860s military powder. The moisture content, resin content, ingredient refining and processing are all different. Swiss is probably closest, but it is more like 1870/80 powder. Swiss 1.5F can duplicate original velocities with similar charges in 50-70 and 45-70 cartridges. CW powders appear to have been a little bulkier. Then there is the problem of time period during the war. US powder got worse as the war progressed, and charges were upped to compensate. In the South, the question is; Imported English powder? Domestic early war? (mostly second class, or worse) or Augusta Powder Works (early or late production)?

    The Lyman 213 OS is a duplicate of Burton's Harpers Ferry drawing except for the nose flat for the sprue. However, anyone who has dug a few bullets will tell you, virtually none of what comes out of the ground duplicates that bullet. Most are longer and heavier.

    Trying to duplicate CW ammo is an interesting project, but there are almost endless variables, so there isn't one answer. It's a fun project though.

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