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Thread: Lee 517 Bullet in a Smith?

  1. #1
    B-Davis is offline
    149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Middle Atlantic - New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey

    Lee 517 Bullet in a Smith?

    Good day, I hope everyone is well!

    I just acquired a Smith Carbine, and thought I had my old mold for the carbine, but came to realize, I do not have the mold. Not a big deal, the Smith will mainly be used for hunting, and I have several other options for the upcoming seasons. But looking around, I see that Lee has a REAL bullet that has progressively larger diameter rings for "engraving" into the rifling. The first two rings are definitely too small, but last ring is .517 in diameter. My question is, has anyone ever used the REAL bullet in a Smith? What were the results? If the results are questionable at best, I see several other options for molds out on the market.
    Any thoughts or input?Name:  lee real.jpg
Views: 93
Size:  12.2 KB

    With Warmest Regards,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2023
    Northwest Territory - Michigan, Ohio and Indiana

    Lee 517 Bullet in a Smith?

    I just ordered one, the 320 it has not arrived yet. What I have read and researched, they are suppose to perform well for target shooting in the Pietta. Moreover, for the price I can shelf it...if problematic.

    I will purchase a Moose Smith/Maynard or the NOE Smith that Grant asked about before next season if the R.E.A.L...ain't real!

    Take care.

    Keith A. Williams
    15th. Reg VA Vol Cav

    "When somebody challenges you, fight back. Be brutal, be tough." - President - Donald J. Trump

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