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Thread: Pedersoli cs Richmond bullet/load help please

  1. #1
    gcolema1 is offline
    49th Virginia Infantry
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    Pedersoli cs Richmond bullet/load help please

    I need some help with a bullet/load for Pedersoli 3 band .58 cal c.s. Richmond. Have tried hodgon, moose ?hodgon? and old style minie, loads from 40 to 48 gr 3 f Swiss, best group is at 48 grains, about 5 inches at 50 yards from solid bench rest. Gun is new.lead is soft. Bullets cast at .578, weighed, sized to . 577. 578 is too big , touches rifling, . 577 loads nicely. Respected skirmished said maybe try Pedersoli mold?? Going back to range next week to try higher charges in the 50 grain range. Any suggestions appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Northwest Territory - Michigan, Ohio and Indiana

    Pedersoli cs Richmond bullet/load help please

    Try Goex 3f as well as, loosen / back off the breech mounting (tang) screw 1/2 turn (or more). Since it is new, might need barrel bedding. Check the barrel bands...are they ungodly tight on stock and barrel? Is the barrel riding upon the nose should not contact it. It seems you shot some good rounds from quality moulds so far, what is the medium weight of the bullets you have tried? Remember, the barrel is still new and not broken in...there are ways to help it break in faster by lapping. Check these problems first in the process of elimination.

    I hope this helps and good luck.

    Keith A. Williams
    15th. Reg VA Vol Cav
    Last edited by Keith Williams; 08-13-2024 at 03:22 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I have a Pedersoli 1861 Springfield, which is very similar. I use the Lyman Parker Hale bullet, #575213PH, sized to .577 with 40 grains of 3F Goex and it shoots two inch groups from the bench. The groups open when fired offhand, but that is me and not the gun. I used a generous amount of Bore Butter hardened with beeswax and could shoot as many rounds as I wished without having to scrub the bore. Good luck. jh

  4. #4
    Carolina Reb is online now
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    Definitely check the barrel bedding. The back 4 inches of the barrel, and especially the tang, needs to be well supported by the stock. Take the bands off and tighten the tang screw. If the muzzle lifts out of the stock tip, you have a bedding problem. Also check that the bands are not pinching against the barrel. The band arch around the barrel should be slightly loose. Tight bands will cause problems.

  5. #5
    gcolema1 is offline
    49th Virginia Infantry
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    Potomac - Virginia, Maryland and Delaware
    Thanks, will check bedding at breech. Rear band is a little tight, will remove a bit of wood there and seal it . Bullet weights are 350 for Moose hodgon, 492 old style minie.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2023
    Northwest Territory - Michigan, Ohio and Indiana

    Pedersoli cs Richmond bullet/load help please

    My best results come from weights above 500...preferably between 510 - 520...depending on what mould I use. Medium here would be 515 plus / minus 2. I am not a fan of light bullets...they wander to much.

    41 3f for 50yds and 44 for 100yds works for my big Minies 577-611 Lyman / Brooks mould.

    Take care.

    Keith A. Williams
    15th. Reg VA Vol Cav

    "I think the 15th. rode a little too hard and too, we are stuck in Yankee-Land without mounts!" - Me
    Last edited by Keith Williams; 08-13-2024 at 10:31 PM.

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