Hello all,
Looking to pick some brains about the lifetime of the classic black smith tubes, with rivet installed.
I bought my smith in October of 2021, and I bought 200 of the black tubes and 2 bags of rivets. I have used these tubes continuously since then. Every range session and match they have been rotated through. My math says they have been loaded 15-20+ times a piece over the last almost 3 years. I have recently developed an issue where they will grab the chamber and will come out of the gun without a pair of pliers. Even when they were new I would maybe once a skirmish have a tube that would fight me to come out. But at the MA shoot at the end of June it got worse, and this past MA shoot last weekend it was probably 70% of the cases needed pliers. I have also had 2 split, which has never happened before. When cleaning the tubes I use simple green and water, soak them overnight, then dunk in clean water and dry. After cleaning this past weekend, I put them on a mandrel in my drill press and could feel high and low spots. I used 600 grit sandpaper and gray scotchbrite to clean them up. They are not nearly as smooth as new ones, but for the most part they slide in and out easier. That could also be because they are empty? I have not tried firing them, I will load them up and give them a try soon to see if that helped I also used a flex hone and 4-ought steel wool to clean up my chamber on my gun to see if that helped. The tubes that did fit now come in and out even easier. But the tight ones, even empty, are still nearly too tight to remove with just my fingers.
Suggestions? Not sure if the sandpaper/scotchbrite method will do anything, but curious to see what you all think. Is it time to invest in some new tubes? I have a teammate that has been seriously liking the new generation of the red tubes. I have read about sizing the rubber tubes, the case mouth rolling into the bore, etc. I'm getting sick and tired of only getting of 3 rounds a minute with a breechloader because I need to fumble with pliers!