In search of a Mac Dutchman big lube style .44-40 mold.
In search of a Mac Dutchman big lube style .44-40 mold.
Alan Pinel - 12971V
Terry's Texas Rangers
8th Texas Cavalry
My teammates and I shot this bullet in our Henry rifles with great success.
20:1 lead/tin. I believe it is under new ownership. But the quality is still there.
Last edited by iron brigade; 07-09-2024 at 07:39 PM.
I think the mould is no longer made, so many things have gone by the wayside, I would look into the, as Iron Brigade has suggested, it looks a lot like the Mav Dutchman you are looking for.
I have one of the moulds in 45colt,, I know it works.
Good luck in your search.
Rick G. Cameron Jr.