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Thread: Problems with my Maynard 2nd model

  1. #1
    Daniel Donovan is offline
    63rd New York State Volunteer Infantry of the Irish Brigade
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    Problems with my Maynard 2nd model

    I just bought a Original Maynard 2nd Model and am having problems with it.

    1. Calipered the barrel and it read .502.
    2. Tried to slug barrel and 1/2 calipered dowel would not fit in barrel.
    3. Can not get the musket to fire unless i use a combination of 4f and 2f to get it to shoot .
    4. will not shoot with cci musket caps,just spanish caps or rws caps.

    i have the reduced charge cases from s & S . Any help appreciated

    Dan Donovan
    member 63rd NYVI.

  2. #2
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    Problems with my Maynard 2nd model

    Well Dan, first things first...I do not have a Maynard...A lot of individuals who do are heading towards the Spring, some responses will be delayed a week.

    First, have you thoroughly cleaned the gun since purchasing it? Use brake clean to dissolve crud build up...remove the nipple and clean it along with the chamber tube. If you have a air compressor, you can use it to blow additional crud from hard to reach areas. Pipe cleaners, picks, and tooth brushes help to clean.

    Are you using CCI Reenactor caps as they will not work - to weak. CCI was sued and I don't think you can get musket winged caps by them anymore. Stick with Spanish or RWS to get results which are hotter - powerful. This should eliminate the use of mixing powders.

    Check the nipple, it maybe worn or wrong. Buy a AMPCO nipple and double check the threading size.

    Are the cartridge holes clogged? Did you buy vinyl tubes? You can drill them out to the next size larger if need be, plus you can cover the hole with zig-zag papers if powder drops out of them.

    You can break open the action and snap a few caps at night, this will allow you to see the cap charge travel before it reaches the cartridge for ignition.

    As for the wood dowel, measure it to see if it swelled.

    I hope this helped, others will know the nuances and tricks for the Maynard 2.

    Take care.

    Keith A. Williams
    15th. Reg VA Vol Cav

    "We have an army far better adapted to the attack than to defend. Let us fight at advantage before we are forced to fight at disadvantage." - General J.E.B. Stuart
    Last edited by Keith Williams; 05-14-2024 at 02:03 AM.

  3. #3
    John Bly is offline
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    Original barrels are three groove and are hard to measure correctly. It will probably need a .516 bullet or larger for best results.. Pull the nipple and clean the fire channel. It is a very small hole down at an angle from the bottom of the nipple thread. Blow it out with compressed air. If the fire channel is clear then the problem is most likely with your cases. Those cases from S&S have very small flash holes in them and they may need to be bigger for reliable ignition.

  4. #4
    Daniel Donovan is offline
    63rd New York State Volunteer Infantry of the Irish Brigade
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    Problems with my Maynard 2nd model

    Where can i get Cases for the Maynard? Who sells the RWS musket caps....?


  5. #5
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    Problems with my Maynard 2nd model

    S&S has both vinyl and brass cartridges. You can type Maynard .50 cal cartridges for sale for searching. Try Dixie Gunworks and Lodgewood Manufacturing also. As for caps, many by in bulk at the Nationals which saves on shipping costs. I do not have a regular supplier for caps, I research online and by from the best price - cost compare. My last batch came from Graf and Sons (Schuetzen).

    Take care.

    Keith A. Williams
    15th. Reg VA Vol Cav

    "The Revolutionary Civil War will bring an overdue change." - Me, Myself, and I

  6. #6
    Lou Lou Lou is offline
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    PM sent
    welcome aboard
    Lou Lou Lou Ruggiero
    Tammany Regt-42nd NYVI

  7. #7
    Daniel Donovan is offline
    63rd New York State Volunteer Infantry of the Irish Brigade
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    Problems with my Maynard 2nd model

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Donovan View Post
    I just bought a Original Maynard 2nd Model and am having problems with it.

    1. Calipered the barrel and it read .502.
    2. Tried to slug barrel and 1/2 calipered dowel would not fit in barrel.
    3. Can not get the musket to fire unless i use a combination of 4f and 2f to get it to shoot .
    4. will not shoot with cci musket caps, just Spanish caps or rws caps.

    i have the reduced charge cases from s & S . Any help appreciated

    Dan Donovan
    member 63rd NYVI.
    What i have done so far;

    New nipple, opened up hole on two cases, no sure how much to open up, will get the nitrated papers, cleaned out nipple and flash hole area, cleaned rifle.

    There is a dealer by that has the Spanish musket caps. BUBBA,S Gunshop i will get a few. Want to also Get a tin or two of the RWS caps.

  8. #8
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    Problems with my Maynard 2nd model

    Ask your commander or others to pick some caps up at the Nationals...if anyone is going. You really do not need flash-paper, I use gift bag paper...the thin white stuff women use to wrap gifts. Wallyworld sells a pack in the celebration section, buy a hole punch and Elmers washable school glue stick. Punch the paper holes and smear some glue with a Q-tip on the casing - add the paper dot...that's it. The caps will burn through, some guys use scotch or cloth tapes, or adhesive dots. Hint, fold gift paper several times before you get several dots at one time.

    Another hint, since you did not specify if you are buying brass or vinyl cartridges...many shooters have install rivets into the vinyl cartridge holes to save upon were and tear - or hole enlarging. If you decide on using 2F powder, the grain size is large enough to keep the powder from falling out. 3F paper dot placement works great. If you decided on brass cartridges, search online and the N-SSA Wanted/For Sale section.

    Last hint, you can enlarge the feed through hole on the nipple one size, which will help it from clogging...use oil to keep it from binding when drilling...the last thing you want is to snap the bit.

    Also, check the similar threads posted throughout the years at the bottom of the reply page.

    Hope this helps again,

    Take care.

    Keith A. Williams
    15th. Reg VA Vol Cav

    "General Lee, I have no division." - Major General George Pickett
    Last edited by Keith Williams; 05-16-2024 at 12:39 AM.

  9. #9
    Daniel Donovan is offline
    63rd New York State Volunteer Infantry of the Irish Brigade
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    Problems with my Maynard 2nd model

    Thanks for all the help.
    The cases i have are brass and are the are the reduced charge cases.

  10. #10
    Daniel Donovan is offline
    63rd New York State Volunteer Infantry of the Irish Brigade
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    Problems with my Maynard 2nd model

    What size bullets and where do i get them?

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