Good day all,
WTB or locate the brass/plastic/rubber tubes that hold powder and projectile for ?Harper?s Ferry Maynard?. They are not made anymore. Please email response
Good day all,
WTB or locate the brass/plastic/rubber tubes that hold powder and projectile for ?Harper?s Ferry Maynard?. They are not made anymore. Please email response
You shouldn't have any problems finding them. my wife's Harpers Ferry uses standard Maynard cases, brass or plastic and the same ones my original takes. Various sutlers and dealers may be out of them from time to time but a search should find them in stock somewhere and watch the for sale section of our forum as I see them offered there from time to time.
The early ones took a larger diameter case.
I bought a white metal First Aid kit at the Spring Nationals of 1995. I had close to 200 Aluminum and Brass Maynard cases in it loaded. I jumped on it being the Maynard freak I am and took them home and act forgot about them for several years. One day we were shooting at the farm and ran out of Maynard rounds so I went digging for that box and found it. None of those rounds fit our Maynard?s because they were slightly oversized. I found out later the HF cases were oversized and only fit the early carbine he made. I still have that Dern box with all those loaded rounds sitting around somewhere.
Last edited by RaiderANV; 03-07-2024 at 01:48 AM.
Never squat with yer spurs on!!!
Pat "PJ" Kelly #5795V
Virginny & Texas
Hence the rust. MAYNARDAE LAUS DEO!