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Thread: New Recruits - Uniforms, Equipment, and Supplies

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    New Recruits - Uniforms, Equipment, and Supplies

    As of 2023, I bought all new accoutrements as I joined a confederate cavalry team. I will drop names to where I saved money upon buying my items. No particular order.

    1) S&S Firearms
    2) C&C Sutlery
    3) Fall Creek Sutlery
    4) Blockade Runner
    5) eBay
    6) Amazon
    7) Etsy
    8) Dixie Gun Works
    9) Atlanta Cutlery
    10) The Possible Shop
    11) Lodgewood Manufacturing
    12) Taylor and Company Firearms
    13) North East Trade-bullet sizers
    14) Muzzle Loaders
    15) Midway USA
    16) A Local Seamstress
    17) MidSouth Shooters Supply
    18 Historical Emporium
    19) Maine Powder House

    There are more companies and websites to find your items, as I said...these were the best priced places where I bought from.

    Updated 1/15/25
    There are some good options for quality or high quality which most will have a production time:

    C.A. Davisson Leather Works -
    Carter and Jasper -
    Dell Leather Works - **currently not taking orders**
    LD Haning - L.D. Hanning & Co. - Home (
    Missouri Boot and Shoe Company -
    North State Haberdashery -
    S & S Sutler -
    W. Hutzell & Co. - W Hutzell & Co. | Williamsport MD | Facebook
    C & D Jarnagin makes excellent leathers. Expensive, but top quality.

    Keith A. Williams
    15th. Reg VA Vol Cav
    Last edited by Keith Williams; 4 Weeks Ago at 10:53 PM.

  2. #2
    PoorJack is offline
    Palmetto Sharpshooters
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    Some other sources

    Tom Crone
    Whitacre Machine
    Back Creek Gun Shop

    Having been a reenactor, I can also add-

    North State Haberdashery
    The Depot
    Milk Creek Merchantile
    C&D Jarnigan
    Top Hat Sutlery
    James Country Merchantile
    Dirty Billys Hats

    Another source for used items is a FB page dedicated to reenactors buying and selling stuff. I also recommend new guys get just the bare minimum to meet their unit's uniform requirement. The new guys can "up their game" later as they gain experience and find out what they want vs what they need. If you go to reenactments, some have a fair amount of sutlers there and there's always a "swap meet" going on with a couple. At a recent small reenactment, I bought 2 cap pouches for $5 each and a belt with a repro period VMI buckle for $15. There are deals out there, you just have to be patient and keep your eyes open.
    "A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition"
    Rudyard Kipling
    NRA Muzzleloading Instructor

  3. #3
    Muley Gil is offline
    34th Battalion Virginia Cavalry
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    Buy the best quality gear you can afford. You'll save money in the long run. I still have and use gear bought in the early '70s.
    Gil Davis Tercenio
    # 3020V
    34th Battalion, Virginia Cavalry
    Great, great grandson of Cpl Elijah S Davis, Co I, 6th Alabama Inf CSA

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2023
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    New Recruits - Uniforms, Equipment, and Supplies

    You are correct Gil, unfortunately Yeck is gone as well as other quality suppliers which peppered the old skirmish lines. I had problems with S&S leather recently...if it was (real) leather (not bashing, stating fact) my leather holster would not have crumbled and split when I slide it across my belt moreover, when I soaked the cover latch strap in water it disintegrated within a minute. Yes, it could have been super old stock...but my old leathers and my fathers (60's-70's) has not failed like that. Yes, buyer beware...but damn its hard to find anything of quality now days.

    Take care,

    Keith A. Williams
    15th. Reg VA Vol Cav

  5. #5
    Ben Nevlezer is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keith Williams View Post
    You are correct Gil, unfortunately Yeck is gone as well as other quality suppliers which peppered the old skirmish lines. I had problems with S&S leather recently...if it was (real) leather (not bashing, stating fact) my leather holster would not have crumbled and split when I slide it across my belt moreover, when I soaked the cover latch strap in water it disintegrated within a minute. Yes, it could have been super old stock...but my old leathers and my fathers (60's-70's) has not failed like that. Yes, buyer beware...but damn its hard to find anything of quality now days.

    Take care,

    Keith A. Williams
    15th. Reg VA Vol Cav
    For high quality leathers I recommend Dell's Leather Goods. I purchased a cartridge box from them a few years ago to replace my "economy" grade one that was falling apart after less than 10 years. It is very well made to exact original dimensions and made with high quality leather. And you will be supporting one of our sutlers!
    Ben Nevlezer.
    1st US Artillery,
    NE region IG.

  6. #6
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    New Recruits - Uniforms, Equipment, and Supplies

    Thanks Ben for turning me onto Dells Leather...good to know. BigTexasLeatherWork, does great work as well...he works through Etsy and I was very impressed by his work - the quality was great.

    Options are good!

    Keith A. Williams
    15th. Reg VA Vol Cav

    "Help! Help! I'm being repressed!" - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

  7. #7
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    New Recruits - Uniforms, Equipment, and Supplies

  8. #8
    PoorJack is offline
    Palmetto Sharpshooters
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    The problem with the "economy" grade leather items these days is they're mostly made in places like Pakistan out of whatever leather they have. The stuff looks good but quality can be iffy. I'd stick with a known quality vendor or buy used reenactor gear that has proven it can hold up. If you can get into the reenactor loop, they often sell gear and some of it is great quality made back in the day.
    "A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition"
    Rudyard Kipling
    NRA Muzzleloading Instructor

  9. #9
    Muley Gil is offline
    34th Battalion Virginia Cavalry
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    Quote Originally Posted by PoorJack View Post
    The problem with the "economy" grade leather items these days is they're mostly made in places like Pakistan out of whatever leather they have. The stuff looks good but quality can be iffy. I'd stick with a known quality vendor or buy used reenactor gear that has proven it can hold up. If you can get into the reenactor loop, they often sell gear and some of it is great quality made back in the day.
    EXACTLY! The only true "economy" gear is used QUALITY gear.
    Gil Davis Tercenio
    # 3020V
    34th Battalion, Virginia Cavalry
    Great, great grandson of Cpl Elijah S Davis, Co I, 6th Alabama Inf CSA

  10. #10
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    I bought my leathers from S&S Firearms 12 years ago. They are just now starting to have some of the stitching come undone.

    My next set I'm buying some Louisiana-stamped authentic gear from Missouri Boot and Shoe.
    Steve Sheldon
    Commander, 4th Louisiana Delta Rifles
    Deputy Commander, Deep South Region
    NRA Certified Muzzleloading Instructor

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