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Thread: Updating old 2013-15 thread for Rear Sight Rig to Drill Peep Sight

  1. #1
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    (George Gompf) Updating old 2013-15 thread for Rear Sight Rig to Drill Peep Sight

    I came across old threads relating to a rear sight rig which is adjustable for sighting as it makes hole transferring easier upon the sight. Everyone suggested George Gompf at Tenn. Bullet Mold. I cannot find an active website or working phone number for him.

    1) Does George or company still produce these?
    2) Does anyone have updated phone number, web address?
    3) Does anyone, know where to get musket peep sight placement and drilling tools like this...currently made and sold?
    4) If any members have one, can you please upload a picture...I am curious to see what this device looks like.

    10 years ago members were searching for a peep tool, nowadays...what is the alternative if George and Tenn. Bullet Mold are out of business...are we going back to the old school ways...of drilling-brazing-re drilling?

    Thanks for the feed back!

    Keith A. Williams
    15th Reg VA Vol Cav

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    Last edited by Keith Williams; 11-06-2023 at 02:22 PM.

  2. #2
    rflmskt is offline
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    George Gompf Sight Drilling Jig

    This is the George Gompf tool:

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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Updating old 2013-15 thread for Rear Sight Rig to Drill Peep Sight

    Thanks rflmskt for the pictures, the device looks well made...did you buy it 10 years ago?

    Take care,

    Keith A. Williams
    15th Reg VA Vol Cav

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    1) Does George or company still produce these?
    No, I spoke with him via email about 6 months ago. He went out of business at the start of covid due to health and lack of sales

    2) Does anyone have updated phone number, web address?
    See above. I can provide his email via PM if you're interested in picking his brain about making them, or getting them made by someone else.

    3) Does anyone, know where to get musket peep sight placement and drilling tools like this...currently made and sold?
    I did a whole lot of research and talking to people at the start of the 2023 skirmishing season about drilling peep sights. There is really no other way to do it without this tool. Nobody makes anything remotely similar. What I was recommended to do was marking exact center on the blank, then using the old sight (if moving to peep sights), and taking a guess how far down you need to drill.

    Unfortunately, yes. Unless somebody with the knowledge and tools starts making them, we are back to drilling and brazing as needed to adjust our sights.
    John Westenberger
    Co. B. 1st PA Cav.

  5. #5
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    Updating old 2013-15 thread for Rear Sight Rig to Drill Peep Sight

    Thanks John for the information. First, I did not know George is a member. Second, I did PM him through this website as well as, an email address I found in one of his 2012 threads.

    Unfortunately, I do not have the space nor equipment to make this fine looking device. By the pictures donated from rflmskt, I can tell some serious thought and care went into this device. Maybe, in the future someone will buy his plans and reproduce them again.

    As for going old-school, I have thought outside of the box which has worked at speeding up my time in determining the proper hole location on leaf.

    You gotta do...what you gotta do!

    Anyone have one for sale??

    Again, thanks John.

    Keith A. Williams
    15th Reg VA Vol Cav

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Middle Atlantic - New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey

    Thanks for providing the photographs of the jig.

    Can you provide 1 measurement for me? The two upright round rods, can you measure the diameter?

    I think George made two types, steel and aluminum. Which is the one in the photograph?

    Many thanks,

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Updating old 2013-15 thread for Rear Sight Rig to Drill Peep Sight

    Hey Kurt, you could PM George with the question...I emailed him a couple of times today.

    Hope this helps.

    Keith A. Williams
    15th Reg VA Vol Cav

  8. #8
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    Thanks Keith, I may just do that. I only need one or two measurements to figure out the rest. The two rods I was talking about are actually called shoulder screws. Knowing the diameter and length will give me an idea of the other dimensions. Also curious to the peep size he used.

    Thanks again,

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2023
    Northwest Territory - Michigan, Ohio and Indiana

    Updating old 2013-15 thread for Rear Sight Rig to Drill Peep Sight

    Hey Kurt, just for your information. George is actively searching for a parts maker for the device, he plans on assembling a limited edition of new, I would think twice about asking him...

    I figure a heads up is a good thing to know.

    Take care,

    Keith A. Williams
    15th Reg VA Vol Cav

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Middle Atlantic - New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey
    Roger that.

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