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Thread: Hoyt Liner bore diameter

  1. #1
    Bob Hatfield is offline
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    Hoyt Liner bore diameter

    Hello All

    Looking to buy a musket at my first trip to the Nationals. I will be interested in a mostly original that is ready to shoot or a former skirmish gun, but a quality reproduction might suffice also. I noticed many originals here with Hoyt Liners.

    I will bring Pin gages in .576, .577, .578, .579 and .580 for whatever I might buy as I might look for an appropriate mold. I have a Lee oversize .578 mold and another aluminum mold in .575 with a built-in core plug under the bottom in large Lyman handles that might be a Shiloh mold that looks like it produces a bullet similar to a Lyman .575-213.

    I'm curious as to what is the nominal diameter of the Hoyt liners usually run.

    Thank you,


  2. #2
    Carolina Reb is offline
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    One thing about Bobby's barrels, he will do whatever you want, not just with bore diameter, but rifling too, including the original style progressive depth grooves. He even did a run of Kerr gain twist ratchet rifled barrels a few years ago. You will need to ask the seller what he has and what he shoots in it.

    If you find a Whitacre barrel, they are all done with original style 3 equal width lands and grooves, 0.577 or 0.58 diameter and progressive depth grooves (0.015 deep at the breech and 0.005 at the muzzle). They shoot extremely well.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Hatfield View Post
    Hello All

    Looking to buy a musket at my first trip to the Nationals. I will be interested in a mostly original that is ready to shoot or a former skirmish gun, but a quality reproduction might suffice also. I noticed many originals here with Hoyt Liners.

    I will bring Pin gages in .576, .577, .578, .579 and .580 for whatever I might buy as I might look for an appropriate mold. I have a Lee oversize .578 mold and another aluminum mold in .575 with a built-in core plug under the bottom in large Lyman handles that might be a Shiloh mold that looks like it produces a bullet similar to a Lyman .575-213.

    I'm curious as to what is the nominal diameter of the Hoyt liners usually run.

    Thank you,


    As stated above, Hoyt will make whatever you want, no way to tell, and odds are, the sutler is just the seller, and has no idea what is in it. Pin guages are good thing to have when buying, though. Don?t forget you can size bullets too (Tom Crone makes the best, in my opinion), so you don?t have to go out and buy a mold, just a sizer, if it?s a different diameter. .001 under bore diameter for bullet size.

    Can also attest to Whitacre?s craftsmanship. It?s worth the extra money. I got a .580 barrel from him for my Trenton contract ?61 Springfield, and it shoots incredibly nice. Rams .579 bullets like butter. Don?t shy away from original barrels, as long as the rifling is decent, it is very shootable! A bore light is a good addition to the gun buying toolbox.
    John Westenberger
    Co. B. 1st PA Cav.

  4. #4
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    I second sizing dies from Tom Crone.

    Also highly recommend Hoyt and Whitacre. I have one of each, both are excellent shooters. Just got my second Hoyt barrel back from him today for a Colt Signature Series 2-band. He did it with 1:60 twist and .5765 bore.

    Steve Sheldon
    Commander, 4th Louisiana Delta Rifles
    Deputy Commander, Deep South Region
    NRA Certified Muzzleloading Instructor

  5. #5
    Bob Hatfield is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by John Westenberger View Post
    As stated above, Hoyt will make whatever you want, no way to tell, and odds are, the sutler is just the seller, and has no idea what is in it. Pin guages are good thing to have when buying, though. Don?t forget you can size bullets too (Tom Crone makes the best, in my opinion), so you don?t have to go out and buy a mold, just a sizer, if it?s a different diameter. .001 under bore diameter for bullet size.

    Can also attest to Whitacre?s craftsmanship. It?s worth the extra money. I got a .580 barrel from him for my Trenton contract ?61 Springfield, and it shoots incredibly nice. Rams .579 bullets like butter. Don't shy away from original barrels, as long as the rifling is decent, it is very shootable! A bore light is a good addition to the gun buying toolbox.
    Doesn't a mold need to drop a bullet too large to require a sizer? Or (dumb question). Do sizers for Minie' balls size up or down? I'm sort of confused. I use a Lyman 4500 to size modern bullets regularly, but they size down. If I have a .575 mold that drops a bullet .576 and if I need a .578 how will I not need a larger mold?

    Thank you..................Bob

  6. #6
    Lou Lou Lou is offline
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    You are correct. Depending on the barrel you get you may need a larger mold. S&S has sizers for the 45-450-4500 lubrisizers.
    Lou Lou Lou Ruggiero
    Tammany Regt-42nd NYVI

  7. #7
    sfoster is offline
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    I am not sure exactly how he does it, but one of my team mates pounds each minie in one die to get it slightly oversized, then drives it through a second to size down to the exact diameter he is looking for.

  8. #8
    Harry Gaul's Avatar
    Harry Gaul is offline
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    If you are looking for a shooter, look no further.

    I am selling an Confederate Mounted Rifle two bander with Hoyt reline. Bore size is 576 and will handle a 575 bullet. $650

    I am selling an 63 type II, two bander, with a Numrich barrel. The Numrich barrel is on the small size, and I shoot an 573 bullet in it. I will sell for $800.

    Previous posts have more details about the firearms.

    Leaving for the Fort on Wednesday. I posted flyers at the Fort advertising the firearms. Give me a call and we can meet and discuss the details.

    The flyer has my phone number.

    Harry in Pa.

  9. #9
    Bob Hatfield is offline
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    Thank you, Harry,

    I'll be there Friday Afternoon.............Bob

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