So a few months ago I picked up a Colt Signature Series 2-band. I've been reading about them and they look like they were sub-quality guns. This one sure is.
There are mis-machined parts of the stock itself. There is a narrowing of the stock on one side of the barrel in one place, and and the "picture frame" on the opposite side of the lock plate is has a "corner" in it where I guess the tooling did not follow the contour smoothly. The trigger bound up in the trigger plate (I have fixed that with some careful filing) as there was a burr in the trigger plate itself plus the trigger had a bow in it that was rubbing the slot in the trigger plate.
I had heard that the lock internals were notoriously soft, so the first thing I did was carburize and heat treat the internals. They seem to be holding up but the trigger pull is hard and creepy.
Took it to the range today for the first time. Actually got a really good group with the RCBS Hodgdon bullet sized to .578 with 48 grains 3F Goex. Bore seems to be about .580. I would have sized larger but my dies only go up to .578.
Put a bore scope down the bore and I can see that the rifling is boogered at he breech. Worse, there are threads exposed beyond the breech face which is a great place for fouling to accumulate for a possible cook-off.
I'm not sure what to do with this gun. I wouldn't feel good selling it on. I paid $956 for it, plus about $100 in taxes, plus shipping. I'm thinking "In for a penny, in for a pound." I'm thinking of getting the barrel lined by Hoyt. Not sure what to do about the lock. Does anyone know if an original or reproduction Springfield lock will fit?