With weather unfavorable for shooting, I've had time to wonder about semi-useless trivia, so here I am:
I lube using a mix of Crisco and beeswax to dip the bases of my bullets, placing them nose-up in a flat bottom fry basket.
Several years ago-- and there may have been drinking involved-- I overheated my bullet lube. Left the stove on after dipping a batch, only noticed it when I smelled something funny and shut it off. It then took me about 150 rounds of horrible, terrible accuracy in both carbine and musket before I figured out that I'd ruined the lube.
Does anyone know the max temperature Crisco/beeswax lube can survive before utter ruination?
FWIW, I later followed the advice of a very helpful, wise man and dedicated an electric skillet to bullet lube. Much harder to overheat it that way!
Also, ruined lube & tightly rolled newspaper makes great firestarters.
Jim Barber
Grove City, OH