To our N-SSA members, guests, and assorted enthusiasts,

This page has been created for the use and enjoyment of those who actually shoot the myriad of Civil War arms used in the N-SSA’s Competitive Matches. The N-SSA is the primary source of information for most of the World in regards to these arms and has supplied much well respected information on this topic.

We have a wealth of shooting knowledge to share with others of like interest. Please do so politely and courteously. As with the other pages on this Bulletin Board, the discussions will be kept “on topic” as per the orders of those who wear bigger hats than the Moderators!

At this point I must take a moment to thank Vicky for her willingness to create yet another page for our use. She is a pleasure to work with. I also thank Cmdr. McMahon, and the JAGs, for their approval of the new page. The caveat from the JAGs is that the page is not to be used for a "General Chat Page".

Thank you for reading this, and we hope you enjoy the new outlet for things such as, which bullets to use, powder charges, sight adjustments, and not to be forgotten, your favorite LUBE!

John Holland