View Full Version : Return to the Maynard/Sharps Imbrogilo

07-25-2012, 03:30 PM
I am laboring under the somewhat muted concern that the N-SSA membership may be laboring under the misapprehension that the Sharps carbine is in some way superior to other fine carbines found on the line at N-SSA skirmishes. This is based almost completely on the outcome of the "Last Man Standing" competition at the last national. The winner and the runner-up, our own Norm Horne, were each shooting some sort of mutant Sharps that went off each time these guys pulled the trigger. Norm interpreted this as some sort of conclusive evidence of Sharps superiority, even going so far as saying "enuf said."
I concede that Norm and that dairy farmer guy are superior shooters. I even concede that the Sharps is as good as anything on the line -- when they go off. But I hereby submit this -- that myself and two other B teamers from the Blues can beat Norm, provided he's handicapped by the addition of two other Sharps shooters of more conventional capability onto his entourage (that other contest last spring was undermined by firearm malfeasance).

So - Labor Day - I propose a match between Norm and two Sharps shooters of his choosing, vs. myself, Ol' Blue Jeff, and Scorched Cranium Kenny with our Maynards. Warning - we've been to the lab. They can even use that nepharius "hit time" thing to keep score if they like. Rosters may be adjusted.

07-25-2012, 09:35 PM
Hate to break the news to you but you are outnumbering yourself sortalike Grant did to Lee, Ol Blue Jeff shoots a Sharps. Maybe you want to try "The Duke" or Kowmander in addition to "scorched cranium Kenny".

07-25-2012, 10:41 PM
Consider this an official invitation to both. I swear I saw Ol' Blue cleaning a Maynard --- maybe Dust Bin's?? I believe with this combination -- of Kommander Kowdoc, the Duke, Scorched Cranium Kenny, myself, and maybe Dust Bin, we can humiliate any Sharps combination of like size that Norm can assemble. How about this - how about we humiliate Norm's assembly Labor Day, and then take our combination up against a like number of Sharps shooters any foolish N-SSA team might care to throw against us this fall?
Of course Norm may have been watching Kenny's performance at the spring national which will likely cause him to bail.

Lou Lou Lou
07-26-2012, 06:40 AM
Are there no Insane Asylums in North Carolina? To paraphrase Charles Dickens ;)

norman horne, 12321
07-26-2012, 07:30 AM
Joel and Jeff, looks like we need to bring a little extra Sharps ammo to the Labor Day shoot. If there are any "out-of-region" Sharps shooters coming that week-end, you might want to come prepared to enjoy the fun(might need a pick-up).

Lou, Lou, Lou. Methinks our exalted Col. K(Eggman) may be an escapee from one of those rumored institutions where the "patients run the asylum". See you in Oct. neighbor. Norm.

07-26-2012, 11:24 AM
Well with Little Kowdoc the Picture Hanger and Ol' Blue as part of his amalgamation Norm has kind of skimmed the top of the Blues pecking order. No matter, humiliation is on the way. Norm I've kind of taken a shine to Coors Light lately.

07-26-2012, 12:18 PM
We have a very well known mental hospital just 40 mi. west of here, It's name is Broughton Hosp. Every time we mention it to Eggman, he beats a hasty retreat back to Alabama. That reminds me that when I first arrived here 35yrs ago, I told several of my farmer clients that I had attended Broughton in my younger days. I was bragging about the High School that I had attended in Raleigh, but I got some really strange looks and probably lost a few clients until I realized what they were thinking.

07-26-2012, 01:46 PM
You guys and your crazy "breach loaders". What a preposterous idea to load from the rear! I'm glad the Kowdok sold me that front loading breach loader slayer.

As a side note I actually have breach loader envy, and if I could afford either one I would have them.

norman horne, 12321
07-26-2012, 03:04 PM
Now Col. K. Could you try to be hiding the fact from our enlightened readership that I "skimmed" only the Sharps shooters from our team? I think you might want to be a'bringin your own Coors!

Michael Bodner
07-26-2012, 04:03 PM
I'll bring the popcorn!!

07-26-2012, 04:35 PM
I believe if you think about it Norm, what you really object to is the mixed metaphor. You know, you can "skim" a couple of guys off a "pool of talent," but you can't skim them off a "pecking order." Rather, to properly state it, you must "pluck" Little Kowdoc the Picture Hanger and Ol' Blue off the "pecking order" to add them to you menagerie.

Lou Lou Lou
07-26-2012, 06:19 PM
Nobody who uses names like Kowdoc, Little Kowdoc, Burnt Cranium or Ol' Blue should be giving grammar lessons. Seems offensive, I'm just sayin'

norman horne, 12321
07-27-2012, 06:22 AM
"State it any way you want Col. K. At the end, I'll state it "cleaning your clock". Later, Norm.

07-27-2012, 10:35 AM
You know I got to thinking that with the addition of one more shooter to the Maynard group (Marty?), and two to the Sharps group (didn't Jeff #2 buy a Sharps a while back?), we could do this competition during the regular skrimish and make the whole region suffer. Team three would still be very strong. Something to think about anyway.

07-29-2012, 08:12 PM
Hey Eggman, this is Dust Bin here. Thought you might like to know that I'm the one that cleans, shines, and operates that old Maynard you were talkin' about. Ol' Blue shoots the Sharps.