View Full Version : Nansemond Guard Hat Fund Drive

08-20-2011, 11:28 AM
I wasn't sure where to post this so will try it here. I was noticing over the past years that one of our elite teams, the Nansemond Guards, apparently do not possess adequate headgear for N-SSA purposes. I'm not sure if they don't have Civil War era headgear, or what they do have is so tattered they're ashamed of it. We have one guy in the Blues with a straw hat with no top at all, but he sucks it up, boiled head and all, and wears it anyway (see revolver B winner last "Skirmish Line"). But anyway the Nansemonds are a championship team and are almost always representing the N-SSA in the magazine. So what you end up having is all these really cool lookng Civil War outfits depicted along side a team in their baseball caps that looks like it wandered in from Camp Perry.
So-- I propose that we N-SSA folks take up the cudgel and provide the Nansemonds with the headgear of their choice. I believe we could do this if each of us contributed as little as 25 cents. I would like to kick off the effort by pledging 50 cents. For treasurer I suggest one of the hat sutlers.

08-20-2011, 12:53 PM
Well I see in the new Skirmish Line the Nansemond boys got some hats. A day late and a dollar short again. If I convinced some of you folks to send money please send it anyway.