View Full Version : Museo de Armas (Argentina Military Museum) - no responses

04-24-2020, 09:55 AM
I've been trying to receive responses to anyone at the Argentina Military Museum (museo de armas de la nacion) in Buenos Aires. I found online two high serial numbered Merrill carbines for sale (17833, 18794), one in the US and the other in the UK. They're both listed on my site - https:\\jameshmerrilltribute.smugmug.com.

Initial emails went thru, because the traffic app I added for my site showed a number of page access from Buenos Aires. Just never received any email replies. I used google translate to convert from English to Spanish. Still, no replies. Now, the email on this site (think it's the official museum site, not totally sure) appears to be invalid, as I'm receiving an email delivery failure message.


Has anyone been to the museum in the last year or two? Is it still operational? I tried the phone number, but never tried international calls, and maybe my tracphone isn't setup to allow international.

Address (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS869US869&sxsrf=ALeKk02znGaqiuuA4JC1r9K3WPlJQGcShw:158773586 6031&q=arms+museum+of+the+nation+tte.+gral.+pablo+ricch eri+abo+address&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOPgE-LRT9c3LDRNyo03zjXWks1OttLPyU9OLMnMz4MzrBJTUopSi4sX sdonFuUWK-SWFqeW5irkpymUZKQq5IHVKJSUpOoppBcl5ugpFCQm5eQrFGUm J2ekFmUqJCblK0BNAABweRtTcQAAAA&ludocid=13040479811026499677&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjztaqCmYHpAhWWB80KHf_XBf0Q6BMwPHoECDEQA g): Av. Santa Fe 702, C1059 ABO, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Phone (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS869US869&sxsrf=ALeKk02znGaqiuuA4JC1r9K3WPlJQGcShw:158773586 6031&q=arms+museum+of+the+nation+tte.+gral.+pablo+ricch eri+abo+phone&ludocid=13040479811026499677&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjztaqCmYHpAhWWB80KHf_XBf0Q6BMwPnoECDMQA g): +54 11 4311-1071 (https://www.google.com/search?q=phone+number+for+museo+de+armas+de+la+nac ion+museo&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS869US869&oq=phone+number+for+museo+de+armas+de+la+nacion+mu seo&aqs=chrome..69i57j33.21895j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#)

Robt. Propst
04-24-2020, 01:33 PM
Yes, I was in the museum two years ago. It was alive and well and showed no signs of demise. In fact, the modern focus area was under renovation so I did not get to see post 1890 displays. I may have a pamphlet I picked up during my visit there with better or different contact information. It did have an extensive collection of US Civil War arms and especially carbines, and they allowed me to take lots of pictures through the display cases. But it was all point and smile, as none of the staff on duty spoke any English, and this guest did not speak Spanish. Bob

Robt. Propst
04-24-2020, 05:01 PM
Further information. I saw an internet address as museodearmas.com.ar This is from a site called Traces of War.

On the pamphlet I got at the museum, it says, Guided Visits Ask for them by phone: 4311 1071/179 (tel:4311 1071/179) int 179. Do not know how best to arrive at this number from the US, and should you manage it there might not be an English speaker at the museum end.

The pamphlet also lists Email: museeo@circulomilitar.org

Best I can do, good luck. Bob

04-25-2020, 10:38 AM
Thanks for replying with your info Bob. I tried the website and the email address without success. Used translate.google.com to translate to send a nice readable-in-Spanish email, but came back right away delivery failure. Realized months back to translate Spanish back to English, as the word tranlated to soup.

Noticed you had museeo instead of museo, so tried that revised email address as well. No cigar. Searched online for the email address museo... and came up with an email address showing the "ar" at the end and tried that. Again, no cigar.

I did find the website I must have accessed months back - https://circulomilitar.org.ar/ (https://circulomilitar.org.ar/contacts/), but the contact section to enter my name, email and message has a "[recaptcha]" that's disabled. Think I need that so I can confirm I'm a human. Also tried subscribing but that failed. Used Google Chrome and MS Edge.

Some days nothing goes right. I'll keep trying. Thanks again Bob.