View Full Version : Rules on LaMat Revolver

11-23-2019, 11:01 PM
Looking for details rules on using a LaMat in individual and team competition in the loading of 6 or 9 shots I Know a LaMat can be used not sure of the details on using it if this makes any sense

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Don Dixon
11-24-2019, 09:42 AM
Interesting question. The LeMat revolver is on the list of approved arms, but N-SSA rules do not specifically mention the LeMat for use in either individual or unit competition.

Individual Matches:

Section 20.6 Loading make no mention of the maximum number of revolver rounds which may be loaded. Arguably, in the absence of a specific rule, one could load a LeMAt with nine rounds during individual matches. But, there is also no mention of the single shotgun barrel :), however multiple projectiles are prohibited in Section 22.2.

Team Matches:

Section 4.11 Shooting Equipment, Revolver Company Matches, and Section 7.8 Loading make no mention of the maximum number of revolver rounds which may be loaded. They also make no mention of trying to reload in each stage of the match, but it is accepted practice that one does not. Since six shot Colt's and Remington revolvers are those customarily used in N-SSA competition, customary practice is to load a maximum of six rounds, although there were some original weapons used in the Civil War which took five loads. The following rule may have been written to accommodate the five-shot revolvers: 7.4.1 Silhouette Events A. Silhouettes; 25 or 50 yards; Volley fire or ninety-second rapid-fire.a. If volley fire, a maximum of five hits per competitor shall be scored.

Issues like this are how the rule book gets longer, and your question is one which the Board might wish to address for clarification.

Don Dixon

John Holland
11-24-2019, 10:09 AM
When the LeMat Revolver was approved for use in the N-SSA's competitive matches it was done with the caveat that only 6 chambers may be loaded and fired, and the smoothbore barrel may not be used at any time. I do not know where to locate that information at this time. This was done by the Board of Directors, the Inspector General, and the Small Arms Committee Chairman. All of this transpired long before I had anything to do with it.

The following Rule actually answers the question:

7.5 TIME LIMITS (amended 1/2013)

Each event shall have a time limit of ninety seconds and have not more than six shots per competitor.