View Full Version : 1st Model Dragoon

12-26-2018, 06:57 PM
I was looking through the Small Arms Approval list and see the Paterson, Walker and 2nd and 3rd model Dragoon but no 1st Model. Is that an oversight or was there something unique about that model that none would be on the approved list?

Muley Gil
12-26-2018, 08:01 PM
Anybody that can shoot a Walker or a Dragoon off hand for a match is not somebody I would want to mess with! :)

John Holland
12-26-2018, 11:54 PM
Please read the title page to the Approved Arms List. The "Approved Arms List" is only for those arms which have been submitted to the N-SSA for "Production Approval". If an arm has not be submitted, it can not be reviewed for a "Production Approval".

12-27-2018, 02:12 PM
Please read the title page to the Approved Arms List. The "Approved Arms List" is only for those arms which have been submitted to the N-SSA for "Production Approval". If an arm has not be submitted, it can not be reviewed for a "Production Approval".

I did read that but found it curious that every other early model was on the list and wondered if there was something about the 1st model Dragoon or its clones that prevented it from being there. If that's all there is to it then I guess no one, in all the years skirmishing been taking place, has had any interest in using the 1st model. Odd I think.

12-27-2018, 08:35 PM
What John meanings is no MANUFACTURE submitted a copy of their gun for inspection by the Small Arms Comm. in order to be on the list. Once this is done and the gun goes on the list it is automatically allowed for use in the N-SSA.

If it’s not on the list you can have anyone on the SAC inspect and give you a card. There are plenty 1st and Walker’s on the firing line. Their owner just took the few minutes it takes and got a card on the gun.

12-27-2018, 11:53 PM
Remember, I think it was the Pietta 1860 Army that was just approved a couple of years ago. No one had bothered to submit one for approval.
