View Full Version : Into the Either

07-27-2018, 05:57 PM
Pretty uneventful forum today UNTIL an entire thread has vanished into the either. You know, the one with the Model One Maynard in it. Us Maynard guys were all watching this one. I've deleted posts of my own when I've posted something exceptionally stupid (I always leave the brilliant ones), but I've never deleted an entire thread, you know, a thread with a bunch of other folks' posts in it. How do you do that? Normally there is something not up to Hoyle going on in a deleted thread. Did someone say something really mean? Where be the Maynard? I'm SO confused!
I'd add, if someone elects to use our site to sell merchandise, fine. You can sell, or you can withdraw the offer, or whatever. BUT YOU CANNOT MESS WITH THE FORUM for your personal convenience. More than anything, the Forum is an information source. This is a matter for Board consideration.

07-27-2018, 06:39 PM
What are you talking about?

If someone makes a thread they should and are able to delete it if they want....

Tough cookies to you if you are upset about someone deleted their thread..

And I will also ask with all do respect, why would you ever post or make a thread in the Forsale section that was not offering something for sale?

Just maybe they should put you in time out for a week for breaking the rules...
This section if to buy and sell not rant.

07-27-2018, 06:44 PM
You don't "make a thread," you post.
Do you have the right to delete my posts?

07-27-2018, 07:03 PM
BS! I deleted the thread at the the request of the original poster. He had a valid reason and I agreed. And yes, I have the right to delete threads.