View Full Version : soft lead for sale $1.50 per lb also carbine lead $1.50 per lb, bees wax $8.00 per lb, and line a type $1.50 per lb at nationals.

04-29-2017, 09:26 AM
I will have soft lead for sale $1.50 per lb also carbine lead $1.50 per lb, bees wax $8.00 per lb, and line a type $1.50 per lb at nationals. All lead is in approx. 1 lb ingots that fits into casting pots. You can contact me at Buicksp39@hotmail.com or call me at 724 679 1619. I will be at the fort all week and will arrive Monday that week, My phone works at the fort I have room for 200 more lbs of lead I will bring it with me monday so if you need it let me know before its spoken for

05-03-2017, 09:31 AM
room for 500 more lbs of lead get your order in now $1.50 per lb