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Thread: buidling two lemat carbines

  1. #11
    kymmwilson's Avatar
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    lemat carbines

    the lemat carbines WHERE used by the union troops post civilwar, true! they where the confederate percusion guns converted to rimfire, they liked them very much to take this effort(or feared them), and where else would the union after the war have gotten these ? does one really think they where going to purchase from abroad after the flood of arms from the war? NO.....not evan an option!!! ,they took these feared arms from the confederates and put them to use there just is no other explenation.
    best regards with fervant resolve Kymm

    p.s. i have a copy of doc from Macon county1863 invoice of recieved ordnance.
    in your court

  2. #12
    John Holland is offline Moderator
    44th NY Volunteer Infantry
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    Ed, Chris, Eric, etc,

    IMHO, you have all missed the point. "kymmwilson" is just another arms enthusiast who wants to build a neat toy to play with, not to skirmish with! Remember, he lives in Seattle. The odds of him ever setting foot on the grounds of an official N-SSA event are slim to none.

    We, the active members, all know the N-SSA's Rules and Regulations, and why they were written the way they are. We live and breathe them on a regular basis. Several of us have even been tasked with enforcing them. If the LeMat Carbines were being built for intended use in the N-SSA, it would be a different matter, and I would weigh in on it, but they are not. So, the construction and use of them is a moot point, at best.

    In closing, I encourage "kymmwilson" to enjoy his LeMat project!

    John Holland
    Chairman, Small Arms Committee

  3. LeMat Carbine

    The only import of any LeMats that I have seen documentation for is the revolver. Find the documentation for import of the guns and I will concede your point. Until there is documentation of the weapons arriving in Southernn or Northern hands, I will be a skeptic. Show me documentation of their import, guns, not ammo.

    Calibers and gauge for the Army revolver is the same as the Carbines. The importing of the ammo for carbines may explain why so many of the Revolvers are reported to have blown up in the users hand. Over charges due to Rifle ammo being used in Pistols.

    It is my understanding very few Carbines were made. The report I read on Federal usage was more of a test rather than an issue of weapons. I doubt seriously if more than 50 were ever imported. I would love to be proved wrong.
    Edwin Flint
    14th Mississippi Infantry, N-SSA
    Deputy Commander, DS Region

  4. #14
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    John, I guess I overlooked the fact that his location is in Seattle. That being said, I understand there are reasons to build guns other than N-SSA needs, but Mr. Wilson asked specifically how N-SSA rules would read in regards to his project.
    Chris Hubbard
    146th New York Volunteer Infantry (ACWSA)

  5. #15
    John Holland is offline Moderator
    44th NY Volunteer Infantry
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    Yes, Chris, you are correct about the initial question, which I believe was amply answered. But, the discussion degenerated from that point and with kymmwilson's last post of "in your court"; I got the distinct impression he is just looking for someone to argue with.

    Just my opinion.

    See you in VA.


  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Understood. See you soon.
    Chris Hubbard
    146th New York Volunteer Infantry (ACWSA)

  7. LeMat Carbine

    As I said, I would love to be proven wrong about its import. I hope Kymmwilson proceeds with his project. I would love to see it when it is done. I encourage him to go forward with it and would never discourage building any historical weapon.

    I would love to find proof of importation of the Lemat Carbine. I think I could make an argument that might persuade the powers that be to allow its use under very strict guidelines as a BLII for individuals, mainly requiring the front hand to be kept on the trigger guard, behind the cylinder. Also, using only a solid projectile in the shotgun barrel.

    As a practical matter, a percussion Lemat Carbine would not be a team event weapon because it would not be able to be loaded in a safe manner without a major concession and re-write of the rules.
    Edwin Flint
    14th Mississippi Infantry, N-SSA
    Deputy Commander, DS Region

  8. I have no idea how I got involved in this but Mr. Kymmwilson sent me an e-mail attachment last week with a picture of this Lemat. By the way Mr. Kymmwilson YOU DO NOT SEND 4 MEGABITE PICTURES TO SOMEONE WHO HAS NO INTEREST IN YOUR ITEM AND HAS NOT ASKED FOR OR IS NOT EXPECTING SUCH ATTACHMENTS.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There, I feel better.

    Anyway, for those of you interested in his item I shrunk the image to a more managable size and include it here.

    John Gross

  9. #19
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    Looks like a "Seattle Smoke Wagon" to me.!!! :wink:


    Phil Spaugy

  10. #20
    kymmwilson's Avatar
    kymmwilson is offline
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    lemats carbines

    guys guys guys

    in your court is a polite way to say your turn !

    i apoligize if that or anything else was taken as more than polite debating

    if you guys dont like some one debating without being a member a point just say so

    thanks to you whom have been fun to discuss this with (Edwin) enjoyed it and hope to continue.

    i feel the nasty comments are not being generated by me ? a person whom wished he could be a part of your fraternity but probably will never get the chance !

    thanks John H for words of encouragement ,i will
    thanks Edwin and i truly enjoyed the debate with you

    i will end with the lemat carbine has been included in nearly every book on confederate arms are all these authers not doing there home work?
    with polite ententions

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